Thursday, July 6, 2017

Transcript Information

Transcript Information

Typical high school (HS) Class requirements:
(22-24 credits)
4  Years Math
4 English (you can create your own study on books your student is interested in)
3 Years Science
3 years History
2 Years of a World Language

Electives: Typical "electives" are:
Communication, Computer, SAT Prep./Study Skills, Health, Music, Art, Financial Planning, Vocational classes, and/or anything that reflects your child's interests and/or future plans.

Michigan Merit Curriculum--our state's specific requirements:
4 Credits of Math--Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2...
4 Credits English
3 Credits Social Studies
1 Credit PE
1 Credit visual, performance, or applied arts
1 online learning experience (like an online class or course, or do study skills online)
World Language

What Determines a Credit:
1. Completing a high school class = 1 credit
2. Log the hours, 120-180 hours of work = 1 credit
3. You can take all four years to get 1 credit if you are only doing that subject sparingly.

Transcript General Info:
1. Basic Student Information
2. Keep Accurate Records
3. Record Course Titles
4. Record Final Grades
5. Assign a GPA (grade point average) 
6. Provide your grade scale: what is your "A" vs "B"? and how do you grade?  What percent of the grade is for tests vs class participation?  Have a formula and keep that in your records.
7. Provide extracurricular activities
8. Organize by SUBJECT or YEAR, especially is senior year is 2 years long it might be a better idea to organize by subject instead of by year; especially if you are doing a "Super Senior" year--which is when you take two years for your twelve grade year.
9. Keep a list of the books read, and be prepared for this question when applying to colleges as it is a common question.  The student should be prepared to share what they favorite is and WHY, with details prepared ahead of time; well-thought-out answers.
10. Awards won.
11. Parents ALWAYS keep a copy of their 'official' transcript.  Some students re-enter college again later in life and you will always be responsible for sharing their high school transcript...for their entire life!  Keep a copy handy!

How do you arrive at a grade?  Perhaps these are part of your formula? 
Attendance, Participation, Daily assignments, and Test scores....
One example may be: Daily work 35% and Tests 65% = grade


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