Friday, April 14, 2017

Sonlight Core H Week 13 April 3-7, 2017 (The week Zeus attacked)

Sonlight Core H - Year 2/2 of World History
Week 13 
April 3-7, 2017 
(The week Zeus attacked)

I'm showing the pretty end, the view from the back isn't good.  

Hello, Friends!
Another visit to the dentist, taxes, music, lessons, power out, bulbs, and my rooster, Zeus, attacked, Girls Night, all in one week.

This week I've been trying to analyze how our Sonlight core is working, and trying to determine how I can improve it.  Thankful to Chelle, for helping me accept that my Dd should be able to drop a SL book, here and there, if it isn't up to her standards.  I have to say, that is one (of my many) downfalls--expecting my daughter to read and finish all the books in each core, plus the one's I've added!  I can see now that Dd has passed the target range for Core H; which is intended for grades 7-9.  Dd is in grade 9, but is not stretched by this level.  I guess I assumed she was like me, and was happy reading from any book, regardless of ability.  

We have been attending a wonderful local church for one year and five months now.  We tried to sign up for membership before we went to Italy (in January), but we have had to wait for a monthly board meeting to attend, in which we could share our testimony before we could officially be up for membership.  I have to say, this procedure is very different than what we experienced in Indiana.  Well, after delays, and meetings that didn't have enough of the members present, etc. we finally put in for membership this week.  I had mixed feelings about being required to share my testimony, but after some thought, I figured I appreciated the fact that our church wants to get to know us better as we become members.  We could have answered it in one sentence, but Dd, Dh and I all shared a little detail about our journey finding the Lord.  It turned out being a very nice meeting and I appreciate how much this church treats us like a member of the family--which I like very much!

Dh and I have been working up our gardens, and putting in our old compost and some 'used' straw.

The Grand River is way over the normal borders and a lot of flooding has occurred here.  Luckily we live on a hill on a small mountain range and we don't have to worry about our home flooding.  It is odd to see places underwater that normally are woods or grass.  

The bulbs we planted in the fall are starting to show in the dirt, we may soon have some spring flowers.  We saw lots of daffodils driving around!  I love spring and all the pretty flowers that come with it!

I had a bad go of migraines this week.

Zeus Attacked: (Friday)
Our rooster, Zeus, protected our hens from attack and took the full brunt of an attack from a neighbor's dog--a bull terrier.  Our hens started making such a fuss we could hear them inside our house.  Dd ran out first, and then I got there second and ran toward the action.  Inside our chicken run, pinned in a corner was poor Zeus and the dog.  I was yelling like a mad woman and got the dog away from Zeus, and Zeus took off at the opportunity.  I had to open a gate to get the dog out, as he had jumped into the run.  It took two hours to get all the hens back into our coop.  They did NOT want anything to do with our coop!  It was a lot of work trying to convince them the dog was no longer in there!  All the hens and Zeus had found shelter under some evergreen bushes.  I had to cut branches and crawl under the bush to retrieve Zeus, who was wounded and in shock.

I put up a cardboard wall, in a chicken tractor, in our garage, for Zeus to have a little solitary spot where he could heal without getting pecked at by the other chickens.  Poor Zeus didn't move much and was totally out of it Friday and Saturday.  I didn't even try to clean him up on Friday.  Saturday I started giving him salt water baths in my tub and brought out the Neosporin and Bag Balm ointment.  The dog had torn out all his tail feathers and all the feathers around his back end and lower back.  The skin had lost the top epidermis, but not showing any deep damage.  The worst part is the puncture hole above his anus hole--so it looks like he has two holes back there.  I'm sure that is too much information to share, but that is what is wrong.  He has bruising and his butt is all swollen and injured.  I'm going to do all I can to help him recover.

Saturday, neighbor conversation:
Saturday, I walked down to our neighbor's house - luckily the husband was working outside and I didn't have to go to the door.  I prayed and thought out how best to discuss this without ruining our potential good relationship.  I thanked him for the welcome basket they had given us last year and then proceeded to ask if he knew what happened yesterday, and he had no idea anything had happened!  I told him about the whole thing, and he looked regretful.  He told me that his dogs are usually in their fenced in back yard, but one had escaped and that was how she got to us.  The meeting went well, and I was so thankful for that!  He offered to pay me for Zeus if he died.  I had to share how I'd hatched Zeus from an incubator and hand raised him for the past year, holding him almost daily to ensure a friendly rooster, which was a lot of time, effort, and heart.  

Agnes always finds the most interesting places to nap!

Girl's Night:
After getting Zeus settled in his new mini-hospital we had to rush to Girl's Night.  The group of young ladies had fun playing games together this month.

Youth Program (Sunday Night):
Dd has started going to the Youth Program on Sunday nights.  This week they watched: God's Not Dead Yet II.  She has seen this movie twice now, but still hasn't seen the first one!

Our Academic Lessons for the week:

We finished our devotional: Walking With Frodo by Sarah Arthur.  I have already ordered the other book in this series, Walking With Bilbo.  I've passed along Walking With Frodo to another homeschool family that loves LOTR and would enjoy this devotional.  

Psalm of the Week: Psalm 24
Bible Verse in Cursive completed
Bible reading: Matthew chapters 8 & 9

Started a new devotional:
Finding God in LOTR by Kurt Bruner
(We've just read the 8 page introduction so far, so I can't say how we will like this yet.)

Dd had missed too many questions on Lesson 14 to continue forward.  We rewatched lessons 6 & 7 for review, and redid all the questions she got wrong on Lesson 14.

The Best-Loved Poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (I've always liked the poems in this book)
pg's 12-31

The Kidnapped Prince by: Anne Cameron: COMPLETED
Dd didn't really enjoy this book very much.  I should have let her drop it after the fifth chapter, but I asked her to complete the whole thing.

The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy
Dd was liking this book but decided to drop it and focus on the SL books

George Washington's World by Foster
Pg 256-276
Dd enjoys reading history through these Foster books instead of the shorter (and less detailed) Kingfisher encyclopedia's that SL had switched in--we have both a new Core H and an old Core H IG's and the new core has Kingfisher and old core has the Foster books in their place.  After reading George Washington's World she will read Abraham Lincoln's World!

The Broken Blade by William Durbin
Dd is liking this book!  So glad, she had been on a row of uninteresting SL books.  

Story of the World: Early Modern History by Susan Wise Bauer
Chapter 32: Lewis and Clark
33: The End of Napoleon, Waterloo, 
34: Freedom in South America
35: Mexican Independence
36: The Slave Trade Ends

Language Arts:
Word Roots: pg 299-315

Lesson on sketching from a Degas painting

This week Dd is trying to prepare for a party she is having next week.  The idea is for her friends to come as a Marvel character.  She is dressing up like Peggy Carter and has been working on her handkerchief and embroidering "PC" on it.  She worked on these for a few hours this week, and then ironed them too.

Letting the older hens come in and visit with our younger poultry.

Fun Reading:
G.I. Brides: The Wartime Girls Who Crossed the Atlantic for Love by Duncan Barrett
Goodreads review: an absorbing tale of romance and resilience—the true story of four British women who crossed the Atlantic for love, coming to America at the end of World War II to make a new life with the American servicemen they married.

Physical Education:
Treadmill 1x, evening independent workouts x3

Home Economics:
Dd made taco's from scratch, made Baggett tuna sandwiches,

Music Lessons:
Beginning Band (Tenor Sax) 1:30 hours
Intermediate Band (Alto Sax) 1:30 hours
Sax and Piano lesson with Mrs. March: 45 minutes
Violin: spring break for teacher
Strings Group (ukulele): 1:15 hours

Music practice: rough estimate:
ukulele: 45 minutes
piano: 1 hour
violin: 1:10 hours
tenor sax: 1:00 hour
alto sax: 2:30 hour


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