Monday, June 6, 2016

Core G Week 27 "C" (BP 16) May 30-June 4, 2016

Core G Week 27 "C"
 (BP 16) 
May 30-June 4, 2016 

We have been enjoying a Barred Owl couple in our yard!

Hello Friends!  This week Dd *finally* started violin lessons this week.  Giz had bought a violin at a yard sale, while visiting here last summer, but Dd decided to start with 'band' and her alto sax before starting orchestra, so the violin was put on hold.  The violin also needed some repairs before it would be ready to play.  One of the best parts is that our teacher lives 3 miles away!  So much better than the 1 1/2 hours of driving for Dd's thirty minutes of sax instruction!  I'm so glad her violin teacher lives so close!  Dd's goal is to try-out/audition for the orchestra at the end of the summer, but the goal is possibly too big.  The Beginner classes are at the same time as her Intermediate Band class, so she would have to be accepted into the Intermediate Orchestra, with only a few months of practice.  This is highly unlikely to happen, but she is going to at  least try.  This week Dd also had private lessons with her band teacher, Mrs. March.  They have switched from sax lessons to piano lessons, and plan on incorporating piano from here on out.  They are going to focus on piano for now, so she only had to do her National Emblem song on sax one time. 

Dh took some pictures this week--all the Hummingbird and Dragon Fly pictures are from him this week!
You can see how close the owl is to our pool fence.
Band Camp Coming Up: 
Dd's lymph nodes were back to being very swollen this week.  Looks like she over-did it helping with the chicken coop over Memorial Weekend.  She thinks it is her allergies---so I'm doing everything I can to help her immune system get built up for Band Camp next week (starts June 6th).  Band Camp is 8:30 to 3:00 each day---outside---marching and learning choreography while playing their instruments.  I sure hope and pray she can continue to build up her immune system while attending Band Camp!  I hate to see her throat lymph nodes so swollen (no fever though). 
 Prayers Appreciated for her this big, big week!!!!

Due to Dd being sick and run down, I wanted to help her recover, so I encouraged daily nap time--even if she didn't sleep---just to give her body the chance to recover.  So, she didn't get much accomplished this week---plus Monday was a holiday and Pappa was home all day working on the chicken coop.  But, she did get a few things progressing forward.

Wednesday I took Dd to her first "Poultry Meeting" with our  new 4-H group, or at least the ones that are in the Poultry group!  It was really interesting and very educational.  They went over how to show your chicken during the fair, and each one got to do a presentation to an older/experienced leader.  I am **SO** glad we finally got into this group!  They really know what they are doing!  Our last group offered no help on explaining what we need to do and how to do it!  I've always wanted Dd to actually participate and had asked our leader, but didn't get connected to another 4-H girl to show Dd the ropes.  I think this time, we really may be able to really participate!  We found a book at our library that was specifically on "4-H Chicken Showing."

Link Homeschool Co-op:
Thursday was the Track and Field Day, and I had signed up to do the food for the event.  I had Dd stay home and rest.  It was a LOT of work!  This was the last thing I was expected to do for the group, unless we change our minds and sign up for next year...but at this point I think we are too busy.  We really had a very hard time making friends with such a tight-knit group.  I was hoping for some local friends, but perhaps that could happen with 4-H??!?  

Still planting!  We bought a little more wood so we can build another raised bed soon.
Chicken Coop:

We are making progress!  We are very close to getting the fencing started--as we put in six posts.
Here is where the security run, and then the bigger run will be...soon!

Dh used post-hole diggers to dig out three feet holes for the posts.

The two tarps are off, and the new Solar Tarp is on!

 Dd put the diving board on, all by herself!  She really, really wants to go swimming, but I wouldn't let her with her swollen lymph nodes--maybe soon.

The fencing has to start underground.

Invited over a fellow homeschooling family this week:
For the past six months I kept getting this feeling that I should reach out to her---make an effort to befriend her--and finally did so. She picked to come out on Friday afternoon, and I spent so much time cleaning up our house in preparation.  With all the chickens and gardening time, our counters and tables were piling up with things that needed to be sorted.  She never showed up, but our house did get a good tidy and scrub in the process.  I am glad I listened to my gut and invited her over, but sorry that she didn't come.

Dd painting the coop with Kilz on Monday

Lessons this week:

No bible this week, besides church.

Teaching Textbooks Algebra I
Dd had a really difficult week with math.  I don't know if her being run down made her brain not click enough or what, be she struggled.  Monday she had off (holiday), then she did lesson 37, 38, 39, and then repeated 37 to improve her grade (and got a 100% the second time!!)

Check out this massive spider!

History Reading:
The Shakespeare Stealer by Gary Blackwood.
I read The Shakespeare Stealer this week, and then passed it on to Dd to read.  It was hard to put down, and a fast read for me.  Dd is still working on it, but got through half of it this week.  I recommend this historical novel.

The Magna Charta: by James Daughtery
Dd asked to stop reading this book---and I agreed.  She doesn't normally ask to stop reading a book, but feels she has this material down and not liking the book.

The Samurai's Tale: by Eric Christian Haugaard
Not liking this book, and has read a few books on the Samurai that she did like already, but says she will continue to give this book a chance to come around.

Lots of piano this week.  Mrs. March has assigned piano homework for Dd, and she performed that music at her private lesson on Tuesday.  Three hours this week.

Private Lesson on Thursday, she has two books of music to practice, and has been focused on learning it.  With her throat sore and swollen she hasn't played much sax.  Three hours this week.

Played a few times this week, but only about one hour combined.  Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, so I advised her to rest her throat.

Item #: 043585
Foreign Language:
Rosetta Stone: French
10 Minutes Monday through Friday

Dd has been really enjoying drawing each day.  Plus, it is something she can do in bed while she has been recooping.

Magic School Bus (Beehive episode)
I've pulled out all our MSB video tapes!  I was telling Dd how much I miss watching those, and she was agreeing!  So, we are going to try to watch them again! Fun!

Dd planted all the HERB plants she has been growing.  She has been helping with the chickens.  We went to the library and found 5-6 chicken books to help prepare for 4-H.  She also checked out a bunch of 'wildlife, wilderness, survival training, edible plant identification, trap building'...types of books this week.

Dd's Fun Reading:
Product Details

The Last Girls of Pompeii

May 17, 2007

The Last Girls of Pompeii by Kathryn Lasky

Product Details

Hunting and Gathering Survival Manual by Tim MacWelsh

The Encyclopedia of Survival Techniques by Alexander Stilwell

Bushcraft 101: A Fieldguide to the Art of Wilderness Survival

I'm still breaking up all the tree branches from the trees we cut down back in April.
The Peony that Giz and Grampy brought from home is doing so well!!!!

I can't delete this photo--glitz...oh well, at least it is a pretty picture!

Agnes has learned how to open the screen door and help herself outside...did I mention she is NOT allowed outside!

My Favorite time of year....when the Red Poppies are blooming!  I brought these from Indiana.  So far, all of the plants I brought (except one peony and one blackberry bush) have survived the tr



1 comment:

  1. Oh oh oh!!!! All those owl pictures!!!!!!! I want an owl in my back yard. :) Instead I had a neighbor's cat come and kill one of my birds today. So maddening. I suppose an owl would eat things too. Your owl is so beautiful!!! Rachel and I saw a WEASEL on 1000 going toward your old place on Saturday. He came out of the tall grass and caught a large mouse/vole/rat and we could hear the mouse screaming inside the car! yikes!!!! A rabbit was watching from the other side of the road. Can't believe how much Dd does with music. That is so amazing!!! So sorry that your guest never showed up -- up side is you got a clean house I guess. :) Good for you to try and initiate something.


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