Monday, January 4, 2016

Core G Week 18 "B" Middle Ages Dec. 28-Jan 1, 2016, Ambrose, Monica & Augustine, Patrick Missionary to the Irish

Core G 
Week 18 "B" 
Middle Ages 
Dec. 28-Jan 1, 2016
63rd week on this core

Saturday we had our annual family Christmas party in southern Indiana.  I received a few picture frames, with pictures Giz had taken of us, in them---our last picture of us three sitting on our stairs in our old house in Brownsburg, IN.  We had sixteen people in this one room; last year it was eighteen!  This is a calm, before the party started moment.  Half the family was in the kitchen playing Dd's "Name that Cookie" game.
We tried to give each girl the same gifts, so we gave two "Frozen" Play-Doh gifts, two plaster hand casting kits, and three books each.  The girls still fought and fussed and tried to get both Ana's!  Kids are too funny!  I did try!

We did a bit on our lessons this week, but had some prep work for our upcoming Christmas party, on Sat. with our family in southern Indiana.  This year I decided not to worry about making gifts, as it didn't really seem like they preferred those kinds of gifts, so I went with cookies, chocolate truffles, chocolates, and peanut brittle (for the most part).  We bought the German chocolate bars at Aldi, as well as the peanut brittle.  I made two batches of Ranger Cookies (family recipe) and Dh made his wonderful Peanut Butter Balls to bring to the party.  I spent most of Friday wrapping gifts for the family and baking cookies.    

Dh had Friday off, so he got up early and changed the oil on both our over-due cars, and then we packed up the mini-van and loaded up---one cat, one dog, one teen, and two of us!  We made pretty good time getting there.  We ate dinner with Giz and Grampy---Kroger frozen pizza and french fries.  For the Christmas party, Giz served cold cut meats, but I opted for Aunt April's Chicken/Cilantro/Curry/Grape Salad.  I miss Giz's Sunday dinners where she made big meals of tasty food from scratch; such good memories of her cooking.  

It has been very interesting watching the next generation raising their children.  These two little girls are ever so cute!

This Christmas party seemed very different than usual, but we all got along pretty well.  I really missed having nephew Thomas with us, as this was his first year in Colorado Springs, CO.  With the end of this party our holiday celebrations come to an end.  We cleaned up the farm house on Sunday morning and re-loaded for our travels home.  Dh always seems to get a new little boost with each visit with his parents, and I wish he could see them more often.

I don't know about other families, but we have bought many of these "Crystal Growing" kits, and they have all failed!  Giz gave Dd this kit, and surprise, actually made a crystal! 

Our lessons:

We are doing Veritas Press Bible: Chronicles Through Malachi, and the assignment was a brief summary of the book of Job, but we have been reading many of the chapters we wanted to investigate further.  This week we read our chapters in our Max Lucado Study Bible, and the "Life Lessons" that go along with some of the chapters, and then read what the Believer's Bible Commentary has to say about those chapters too.  This week we studied:

Job 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 27.

Review pages: 4, 5, 7, 8, 11

Add-In History Read Aloud: 
Augustine Came to Kent by Barbara Willard
Ch.'s: 1-10 (in process)
Trial and Triumph by Richard Hannula
*Monica & Augustine
*Patrick Missionary to the Irish

Streams of Civilization, Volume 1, Grade 9
Streams of Civilization, Volume 1, Grade 9
Streams of Civilization:
pg's 180-187
We've never read this book before, but had been curious about it, so we are trying it out...but, I am feeling like it might be a bit of overkill, so I am not fully invested in it.

SL's Timeline & Map:
(Mohammad founds Islam, The Hegira, and Start of Islam, Sui Dynasty in China, Tang Dynasty on China)
Kingfisher Encyclopedia of History (Sonlight assignments)
completed this weeks work

Favorite Poems of Old and New:
completed this weeks work

History Readers:

Product Details


Aug 31, 1989
Illuminations by Jonathan Hunt

Product Details
Young Merlin by Robert San Souci
Product Details

Young Guinevere (A Dell Picture Yearling)

Oct 1, 1996
by Robert D. San Souci and Jamichael Henterly
Young Gwenevere by Robert San Souci

Product Details

Young Arthur

Oct 6, 1997
Young Arthur by Robert San Souci

Mystery of History: 
Volume II, The Early Church and the Middle Ages by Linda Lacour Hobar:
Lesson 17: St. Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-430)
Lesson 18: The Holy Bible and the Vulgate by Jerome (AD 382-402)
Lesson 19: St. Patrick, Missionary to Ireland (AD 389-461)
Lesson 20: Attila the Hun (AD 434-453)
Lesson 21: Fall of the Western Roman Empire (AD 476)
Lesson 22: Daily Life in the Dark Age (AD 500-1000)
Lesson 23: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (AD 503)
Lesson 24: Justinian I an dTheodora, Rulers of the Byzantine Empire (AD 527-565)

Audio 2:

the Story of the World: Vol. 2: The Middle Ages by Susan Wise Bauer
Ch. 3: Christianity Comes to Britain--Augustine Comes to England
Ch. 4:The Byzantine Empire-The Beauty of Constantinople, Justinian, The Just Emperor, Empress Theodora
Ch. 5:The Medieval Indian Empire-A King Named Skandagupta, Monks in Caves
Ch. 6: The Rise of Islam--Muhammad's Vision, Muhammad Flees to Medina, The Koran: Islam's Holy Book
Ch. 7:Islam Becomes an Empire--The Fight for Mecca, The Spread of Islam
Ch. 8: The Great Dynasties of China--Yang Chien Unites North and South, The Tang Dynasty
Ch. 9: East of China--The Yamato Dynasty of Japan, A Tale of Three Countries: Korea, China, and Japan

Audio 3:
Lamplighter Theatre Audio CD: Charlie's Choice
Lamplighter Theatre Audio CD: Charlie's Choice
Charlie's Choice (a LAMPLIGHTER audio): completed

I adore many of the Lamplighter audio's, and we re-listened to this one again, and it didn't hold up as well on this second hearing.  It was okay, but not fantastic.  
Christianbook Review:
Set sail with Charlie---a boy who's determined to save his ailing parents by getting rich and returning home as a hero! On the open seas, he discovers a surprising truth: Life's most important journey is not about what you get, but who you become. Hosted by John Rhys-Davies of The Lord of the Rings. Two CDs, 120 minutes total.

Math U See: Algebra I: Lesson 7
we have gone round and round with this SLOPE INTERCEPT lesson.  Dd tried it the week before, but still hasn't really figured it out.  Dd watched some Khan Academy video's on this, and Dh also helped her, and watched a few lessons on Khan with her, that she hadn't seen.  She worked on A, B, C, D, E and the test this week, but still doesn't feel like she has got it all figured out, so we will continue to erase and redo these 5 worksheets and test again next week.

Spelling: All About Spelling 7: in process

Easy Grammar 7:
235, 239, 243, 244, 247

Typing up her stories: She has been working on stories for the "L" family, as Christmas presents, but this is taking a lot longer than she anticipated.  She has asked for me to schedule at least 30 minutes each morning for her to type and work on this project, but once started she hates to stop!
At least three hours this week

Spilling Ink: A Young Writer's Handbook
Dd received this book (Spilling Ink) for Christmas and has already started reading it.  She is very keen to improve her writing skills.

Seterra online games : 2x this week

Sax & Piano
and a new piano book and lessons with Giz while we were down visiting!  Her new book goes into technical information, which is what she was needing.  She figured out Concerning Hobbits song, and has been very keen to play that song each day.

Some Fun Books:

Product Details

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Book 1: The Sword of Summer

Oct 6, 2015
Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan: completed

Product Details

Anne of the Island (Anne of Green Gables, Book 3)

Nov 1, 1983
Anne of the Island: completed


Vinegar Red Potatoes,

Sugar Cookies, then special creative decorations on the cookies for Dd to do her special game at the Christmas party.  She had three trays of cookies, each with a number--one through twenty seven--and each person had to guess what they thought the cookie was.  It turned out to be fantastic fun, and Aunt April won the game! and a tray as the reward.
Dd made all these cooking and each has a funny thing that they are suppose to be.  For example, Grampy always jokes with Dd about her being lactose intolerant, and how she must "get her milk from a three-legged cow", b/c the four legged ones make the normal milk...his funny joke with her,  so she made a three-legged cow cookie.  She had a boy cookie and a girl cookie, holding hands, and they were Giz and Grampy. Some cookies were easy to guess--like the oak leaf.

Busy Hands:
Dd has been working on a Christmas shawl for me, but has taken off the past week.  I hope she can get back to it---it looks cozy!

Dd has been working on a crocheted Star Wars, Yoda.

I have been working on a crocheted scarf for Dd out of camo yarn.  I haven't done a crochet piece in quite a while, and I'm afraid the lengths on each row vary a bit!!!  I am definitely not as precise as Dd is with craftwork!

Giz bought Dd some of these wall stickers with LOTR pictures and sayings on didn't take long for Dd to decorate her stairwell, bedroom and bathroom with them.  Aren't they fun?!!

Now Dd's bathroom has more decorations--which makes her happy!



  1. Stopping by for tea :) What a creative game -- guess the cookie!!! I need to remember that. It could be so fun for a party!!! Glad you survived the annual Christmas party and it was fun to see pictures so I could visualize it more. ;) Sounds like you had a good plan for gifts this year.....I've always wanted to grow one of those crystals!!! I don't think we've ever tried. Maybe someday.

  2. Ah, nice to have a cuppa tea with you today! I've been missing you! I was tempted to drive by and stop at your house since we were in Indiana! Surprise! The party went okay, I used one of your ideas---I had been saving my used-up/emptied tea boxes, and then mixed various tea bags as an "assortment box" and gave those boxes of combination tea's to all the women in the family. None of the men enjoy tea, or I would have been happy to give them a box as well. Next time I think I will buy some more varieties to share with them...*if only I knew if they really liked them, that would help!* Thanks for stopping by for a visit!!!! Sending you a big hug!


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