Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Update: Our house in Indiana

Tuesday Night:
well, we got an offer for the house tonight---it is a lot lower than our asking price, so I guess now we offer a price in the middle and see what happens.  But, at least this is a bite--- 
Praising the Lord for some progress---potentially big progress...

Well, now we have read the offer and it looks like the buyer is saying that they will buy or house....after their house sells, or by July.  That doesn't work for us!  We will counter-offer that they can have a 'First Rights' where if anyone else offers to buy it, we will give them a chance to buy it immediately or if they can't do so (their house still being for sale), then we can go with the new buyer that can buy it immediately.  

Friday: we counter-offered, and they counter-offered, and we have counter-offered again...and are waiting to see what they next step is.  So much more complicated than I thought!  

We have two showings scheduled for Saturday--prayers appreciated!  I'd prefer to sell our house outright, and be done with it, and not have to wait until July, if possible.  I'm missing my books!


  1. oh very exciting and nerve wracking! Praying that you have wisdom and you can get this house sold soon!

  2. Thanks Heather and Chelle! It has been quite an experience--the offer, the counter offer, the counter-counter offer....it is like some game of tic-tac-toe. I hope these counter-offers will end soon and we can settle in for the long wait to see who buys it. We have 2 showings scheduled for tomorrow, and perhaps 1 of them are wanting to buy immediately?!! That would be better for us, rather than waiting until July potentially to sell the house. This apartment keeps shrinking! So thankful for the prayers from you two; I pray for you both each day as well!


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