Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow pictures for Chelle!

Snow pictures for Chelle!
I thought it would be fun to post a few pictures of snow, for my friend enjoying summer!  Today when Dd and I took our dog, Sophie, out for her walk it was sooo cold!  The temperature was 9, but felt like -10!  Awful! it hurt it was SO cold! (More snow coming tonight--of course!)


1 comment:

  1. Tracy, thank you so much for taking and posting these pictures....
    So COLD!!!
    The photos are so interesting and in some the snow looks beautiful! I love the one with the snow on the trees.
    Icicles on the building look amazing ( and potentially dangerous??)
    A bike in the shed? Is someone push biking in that weather??? Brrrr.
    I'm definitely coming back to look at these again!!!
    We have a surprise visitor (for the children) arriving to stay for a days....
    once that is done I have a busy hands post to put up for you.
    (The girls that came to Daisy's 13th party made some very clever things - your dd would have enjoyed herself immensely!)
    Sending a very warm summery hug,
    and much love


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