Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pictures from April 2013

Pictures from April 2013

Dh made this wonderful cake!

We bought the pots, then sealed them with Polyurethane for the girls to paint at the party.  Then they played while the paint dried.  Then they potted pansy flowers in their pots to take home with them.

Such creativity going on!!
I wish I would have thought to take a picture of all the finished pots--but I didn't!

Opening presents!

Details, case you want actual details about the party:

Our party was very good--Theme: American Girl "Molly", WWII time period, red, white and blue....

 Gift bags for all! Dd loves to buy gifts for the girls who come, so we buy reusable bags-that she used fabric paint to decorate and write their names on-- I should have taken a picture of them...and inside were a Webkin stuffed animal, glow sticks, at least 3 books, a whirly-gig, and a bunch of little gifts--little canvas to paint that was the gift bags....we started with painting the terra cotta pots that we had sealed with Polyurethane, then we played games---Soldier, Soldier, Colonel (duck, duck, goose), then we face painted stars on their faces with face paint--Dd did that----then we had the birthday cake, then we opened presents, then they opened their gift bags, then we planted the flowers in the almost dry pots, then we played charades, then we had a scavenger hunt (each game had winners and winners got to get a gift from the prize box---books and toys in there--) and the team with the least points won the scavenger hunt.  then it was after 5 PM and time for the girls to go home!
We had a snack table with a veggie platter, a fruit platter, an assorted cookie platter, hummus and crackers, and Dd made a party punch drink--sherbert ice cream, ginger ale, apple juice, and cranberry juice..

Here is one of the cards Dd made this week--it will be mailed out as her Thank You cards for her gifts.

This is a printmaking/linoleum block Dd is working on

Activities: this was a piano week.....thankfully!  Dd is into our garden and has been watering the seedlings each day!  She has really been enjoying going outside as much as possible each day!
Lettuce and onions are doing well already

Sunflower seedlings doing well too---they have grown another 3-4 inches since she took this photo!


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