Saturday, October 13, 2012

My new book: What the Robin Knows

With the cool wintery chill and frost on the ground; there will be time for me to read more.  Every summer between all the mowing, watering, weed whacking, and gardening I never get much time for reading (besides all the books I read aloud to Dd).  But this past week we have had a few HARD freezes.  Don't you know, the book I had requested 2 months ago from our library finally came in!!!!  What great timing!!  I have started it and I am really liking it so far.  A book that encourages us to go outside and just sit, listen, and observe.  It is a very interesting book!

Product Details

What the Robin Knows: How Birds Reveal the Secrets of the Natural World by Jon Young

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy books that have that same one flow - out dorr exploration - too.

    Thanks for stopping by .. and yes mostly it is warming up: a perfect time to start discovering spring time "treasures".

    Hoping your new week is much better!!!!!


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