Sunday, February 19, 2012

SL Core D-Week 29 "A" Left-Over's Week "LOW" Feb. 13-17th 2012

SL Week 29 "A" Left-Over's Week "LOW" Feb. 13-17th 2012

Lots of Add-In's this week:
Who Is God? by Apologia.  I'm liking this book more and more each week.  We have been doing our SL Read Aloud Bible readings at night with Dh.  This week we read from Col and Psalms.

"Geography Songs" is still serving us well.  We focused on South Asia this week and used our large dry-erase map to test dd's comprehension.

Composser of the week: MOZART!  We had a really great week on Mozart.  We listened to "Mad About Mozart" cd each day of the week.  We also had a book with an included cd that we read and listened to called "The Magic Flute".  Listened to this disc two days.

Books on Mozart: "Lives of the Musicians" by Kathleen Krull (Ch. on Mozart)
"Focus on Composers" by Teacher Created Materials, Inc. (Ch. on Mozart)
"Great Composers" by Pierro Venturea (Ch. on Mozart)
"The Magic Flute" by Anne Gatti

Our Read Aloud: Imprisoned In The Golden City by Dave and Neta Jackson

Dd's Reader: was  " Betsy Ross: Designer of Our Flag" by Ann Weil

Daily Hymns were from a cd Giz gave us called "Praise and Worship" which isn't on amazon either!  We focused on "Standing on the Promises".

We had not done our poetry from last week (A Child's Intro to Poetry) so we did it this week--on Hilaire Belloc.

Typing--Typing Instructor.  But, dd isn't liking it lately.  I hope she goes back to liking it.

MUS-  Dd FINISHED GAMMA!!!!!  She did some extra this week to finish it by Friday!    We did doubles and Skip-Counting (7 family) every day too.   Dd did "Math Missions: The Amazing Arcade Adventure" video game that we bought through Amazon for 30 minutes.

Rosetta Stone-French-40 minutes

IEW-The Mongols-kwo/rough draft/and final draft done well!

We reviewed First Language Lessons 1 & 2 this week.  We did all the terms, listened to the cd and went over all the memorized poems for review.  We went through our flash cards again too.

English From THe Roots Up--flashcards (18 words) reviewed 3x this week.

AAS-Lesson 11 - 3x this week we did 20 words and 2 sentences as review; didn't get the test done yet.

Piano--Played every day this week and really is doing wonderfully.

Dvd: Magic School Bus--Ants in the Pants

Audio: Finished: Seekers: THe Quest Begins ( 7 disc book--it took us a while!)

Story of the World: Vol 3: Early American Times:Disc 7 which is Chapters 27--40.

Daily-Brain Pop
Monday's: Brain Pop, Jr.

Art book: "What is Art?" by Bob Raczka

LHE Co-Op Classes started.  I taught first period: Art, then Gym, then Mrs. Gaffe taught "INDIANA History" which was very cool and interesting (I was the teacher's assistant).

Another week of Upwards Basketball--Practice on Monday & game on Saturday.

Some of the fun books Dd read:
Lunch Lady
Boxcar Children-Mike's Mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner.

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